gay vitrolles par sidibou
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Ven 10 sep 2010
1 commentaire
good evening
you are absolutely right,
priority is to provide videos or people can enjoy, for mistakes or hortographe and syntax, I can only apologize;
I use very often what is call'd
by 'largot' bad French, but we understand,
I also on facebook, I can hardly read some post of Americans or language Anglican
please accept my apologies, I'll make an effort because you are absolutely right.
thank you
gay vitrolles13127 free vidéos and photos
I really like your site but your titles are so poorly written it's almost a turn off. . . you do a great job, but still, with proper punctuation, syntax and orthograph it'd be even hotter. =) cause "bitch has gay arabic" or "pourquoi la pizza est fermée" kinda sound like the babbling of a mentally challenged person. .